Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Day 28 - July 29

Never have I been so sad to see a Friday in my whole life.  This Friday though is a sad, sad day, because it signifies the last Friday of my wonderful unemployment.  Next Friday I'll be officially on a payroll again, working for someone else, and missing my son desperately.  And speaking of missing my son, I have to travel next week to their office in Indiana, and I am flying out early Monday morning and I won't be home until sometime on Thursday.  It will be so hard to be gone!

But it is time to make the best of what's left, so we waited for a break in the weather and H and I headed out.  He hopped on the ATV, and I ran, and we made it two miles before the ATV started to really sloooooow down.  That was enough for me, I didn't want to risk having to push it back!

Once back at the cottage, I had H help me in the kitchen with a few things I wanted to try.  The first thing was easy: red, white, and blue rice krispies treats!  Both H and my stepdad are obsessed.  He did a great job with those, even carefully stirring them on the hot stove.

Next I sliced cucumbers to make a light cucumber dill salad to use up the remaining cucumbers I had left from my own Martha Stewart friend Jamie.  She is amazing and talented and grows most of what they eat on their farm.  And she works full time at a big job for the state, travels frequently overseas, and raises three babies ages 5 and under (who happen to be H's closest friends).  Did I mention she even cans?!?!!  Anyway her veggies were delish.

Finally I had my eye on a Pinterest recipe called Cherry Pull Apart Bread that suggested it was an excellent Christmas morning breakfast.  Why wait for December 25?  July 30 morning seems as good a time as ever to give that a try!  So H and I got it ready and then covered it up for baking in the morning.  I will put the recipe here:

But I do have a few modifications I will suggest here:
*Add more cinnamon that what is called for
*Add flavor of some sort to the icing (it was pretty plain tasting)
*Add pecans or almonds (says my mom).  I would suggest sliced almonds, which then means you could add almond extract to the icing.

Would I make it again?  For sure, but I would spice it up.  My stepdad even suggested a crumble-like topping (brown sugar, oats, butter) but that sounds like we just turned it into a Christmas day dessert.

H and I also launched the Angry Birds for awhile (its our ongoing contest using the McDonald's toys), and set up the ping pong, which he was doing much better at than when we tried a couple weeks ago which I have to think has something to do with the tennis he's been playing.  He certainly has his moments that land him in timeout (is he ever mouthy sometimes... apparently that's me, rewind 32 years ago!) but all in all we really had fun together.  I had a lot of favorite parts of today with running together and baking together, but I think my favorite part was when he crawled into my bed and we read a giant stack of long books together that we don't normally read during the nightly bedtime routine.  It's those moments I want to hold onto him, force him to stay little, and never let go.

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