Ughhh. Nothing like waking up knowing once again it's time to hustle your baby gear to a bargain hunter. We were ready to go by 8am but this time around we were shutting down at noon so we didn't waste the entire day and could get on the road to the cottage. We had far fewer customers and I was afraid the attempt would be a bust. H wanted to sell water again but had no patience for sitting around outside again and yelling "get your water! only a dollar!"
Just before noon our friend stopped by with her little boy--who happens to be just enough younger than H that she cleared out the rest of our 5T stuff and a bunch of our shoes. So exciting! The sale wasn't a bust after all. To top it off, our boys got to play together while we had a chance to catch up. That's a win! I also had someone stop after we had packed up that was desperately searching for baby boy items as she had just found out her son was having a third child, unexpectedly, and had no baby items left anymore. Turns out I know her son, and I was happy to give her a deal on what she was able to get for him after combing through the two bins that were left. Congrats to Bubba and his wife. ;)
We didn't get on the road to the cottage until later that afternoon, but man oh man! Our car was loaded like a family of seven was traveling! Two dogs squished in the back next to the carseat and H, my mom in the front with a dog on her lap, and me driving. What a sight! We asked H what sounded good for dinner and he chose a place with decent chinese takeout so we agreed to that.
The best part was that our neighbors were up too; their family of five is living in Italy for two years for a temporary position and this is the middle of that two years for them, so they are home for a few weeks. H was so excited to see his friends and their mom T and I couldn't bear to separate them until it was almost dark and the kids were hot, sweaty, and out of breath. So much fun to see! What a great summer day.
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