But what's more motivating than knowing you've signed up for a race that almost 1000 people will be at?!
Not much.
We are registered for a race that benefits our local Ronald McDonald house in just a few short weeks. Knowing this, I've been running about 2 to 2.5 miles every other day over the course of the last few weeks. My lungs aren't very forgiving yet but I'll get there. I am amazed at what foam rolling does for post-run relief. I so wish I would've had my foam roller a year ago! It definitely speeds recovery time and helps to alleviate soreness.
Here's my beloved orange friend:
The TriggerPoint Performance "The Grid" model is fabulous for legs, calves, hip flexors, glutes, even shins. If you don't have one, run (ha!) to your local sports gear store and get one. Really.
{I've also added new compression socks to my routine; more on those and my opinion on whether they are worth it next week.}
<---Not me, but a perfect example of how I use it.
This is me, and how happy I am after rolling the crap out of my post-run sore muscles!--->
I also REALLY made him frustrated when I announced that I had also sort of kind of maybe definitely registered us for our first 10K in June.
"YOU WHAT!!!!"
"It'll be ok and we have 15 weeks to train and the route is beautiful compared to their 5K route and we can work together to up our mileage and we can start tomorrow and take H with us and it will be fun and...."
I lost him at "it'll be ok"; I'm quite sure he didn't hear much after that. I am convinced he will thank me later. Stay tuned!
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