Monday, July 11, 2016

Day Ten - July 11 - The best Monday ever!

It was quite possibly the best Monday ever.  I cannot remember a Monday where I wasn't on some sort of schedule, had some sort of solid plan for my day, or some sort of goal to accomplish.  What a great feeling!

We took our time getting ready this morning since it was just my mom and I.  I still find myself thinking about the people at work and wondering if they had a lot of claims from the weekend storms.  It was so ingrained in me to fear bad weather because it meant a crazy amount of claims coming in and this morning I thought about it for just a minute and suddenly I was over it.  Pretty nice!  Unemployment continues to treat me well mentally and physically.

We drove to Traverse City for the day to eat, shop, and repeat. Choosing eating establishments is something I take very seriously with due diligence on Tripadvisor and Yelp as well as Facebook to study menus. We used to always go to the same places on each trip to TC depending on the day's agenda---wine tasting all day? Sign me up for a monte cristo with homemade cherry preserves at North Peak.  Football Saturday? Blue Tractor is a must for great food and lots of close TVs. H is with us?  Time to stop at

My mom made a decision about two trips ago that it was high time to start trying one of the many places that we haven't been yet. That trip we went to Soup, and it was awesome. We also tried Slabtown which is not fast food but is not sit down either. We enjoyed both so maybe she's onto something.  We had breakfast at Blue Heron and it did not disappoint.  Not a huge menu but every option sounded delicious.  I tried the Farmer's Omelet and My mom had the veggie quesadilla. We both really enjoyed our choices and the unique favors (sweet potato mash in eggs?! Excellent. Who knew.).

We shopped at every store on Front Street and some off Front as well. I bought the most items at Cherry Republic as we were out of almost everything we keep on hand.  Our kitchen staples from CR include Cherry Jam, Cherry Artisan Mustard, and Cherry Green Salsa. We are also loving the newer Cherryaki on grilled chicken.  I bought enough products to hopefully get us through our remaining tenure of basement dwelling; then I'll have an actual pantry that I can stock!!

After more shopping, and wishing my walls are actually constructed so I could buy all the cool "Love the Mitten" signs, we chose Amical for an early/light dinner before our drive home.  We were able to sit outside which was pretty great considering we've walked by at least 50 times and never eaten there. The food and service were both great. We did not order the prix fixe even though it was a really great deal. We opted instead to order an app, small salads and a cup of soup.  We also had half of warm baguette that I thoroughly enjoyed.  I wished we saved room for dessert but we did not.

We had a wonderful day downtown just shopping and talking and looking at things as long as we wanted without being on a schedule or feeling rushed. I miss my boys but wouldn't trade today for anything.  It was another great day of being unemployed!!!!

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