Monday, July 25, 2016

Day 23 - July 24

It was pretty rainy when we woke up today and H had decided he wanted to stay another night with our FL family at their hotel, so we were childless once again.  We took advantage and went to church where we could actually pay attention to the WHOLE THING.  How awesome!  The readings were powerful and J noticed that too.

After church we drove to my grandparents' house to meet up with our family and H.  We decided it was time for lunch, so we drove to a restaurant near an outlet shopping center to eat.  My brother rode with us; it was great to have that time with him.  After lunch we did some shopping and H goofed around with my dad, which gave us time to actually look things in the stores.  We found a few good deals before heading back to the cottage to clean up before heading back downstate.

When we got to the cottage, H was playing with the neighbor kids who are home for a month from their two year stint in Italy.  He was so excited to see them!  We were cleaning and packing up when I heard blood curdling screams from my kid--he had gotten stung three times by a bee or wasp!  The poor kid carried on for a long time but fortunately had no allergic reaction to the stings.  It was his first time getting stung and he didn't know what to think.  We stopped at the ice cream plan on the way home because we knew it would help him feel better.  Ice cream makes everything better!  Overall it was a good day (minus him getting stung) considering the weather was not cooperative.

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