Sunday, July 10, 2016

Day Nine - July 10

Our day started with church and as always I took advantage when H let me pick him up during the gospel. I am sure I look absurd with a 47lb., 45" tall kid in my arms, but it never lasts long and the feeling of my spine compressing is well worth it for those moments that someday I will wish I had back.  When we got back to the cottage we decided it was too nice not to go down to our beach to build some sand castles and play for awhile.  It was a calm lake day and I was wishing we planned better and went onto the lake for a couple of hours!  My boys were planning to drive across the state later in the day and I knew it would be a lot of trouble to get the boat out. We had fun at the beach and spent some time talking to neighbors. It was fun watching H interact with their baby boy and share his toys with him.

We came back up to get them ready to make the drive over to J's family. I was sad to say goodbye to them but looking forward to the next few days with just my mom and I at the cottage. She's also unemployed so this worked out great for us to stay a few days. We took advantage of the quiet and sat on the deck talking and watching another neighbor trying to spray a squirrel with her nose while coaxing one of 50 local chipmunks out of her woodpile. (I wish I was joking: "here, Chip-Chip-Chip!! Get up that tree, you!!"). We also decided ice cream for dinner is totally appropriate and each ordered a blizzard at Dairy Queen.

I took the dog for a walk once we got home to tire her out.  It is incredible to me what a different place it is now that most of the holiday vacationers are gone. It was totally quiet except for the birds and an occasional boat on the lake.  I felt a sense of total calm serenity wash over me as I realized it was Sunday night and I don't have to go to work in the morning because I'm unemployed! What a wonderful feeling!!

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