Saturday, July 9, 2016

Day Six - July 7

Today H and I planned to drive back to the cottage but first we had some serious shopping to do for weekend staples like ice cream and bacon.  We took our time getting ready and then headed to Meijer with our list in hand.

Once at the store, H wanted to look at the toys and spend the money he earned watering Grandma's flowers and Grandpa's garden each day.  During the perusing of the toy aisle, I never tried to hurry him or say we had to get going.  We looked at every toy and decided which ones might make good birthday presents. At one point H picked up a foam sword and yelled "on guard!!" and an impromptu sword fight broke out. Good thing no one was trying to shop the toy aisle!

H was a super good shopper once we started working on our list. He helped choose items and get the things we needed for his upcoming week with his cousins.  He paid attention to things that were on sale and helped check out at the end of our Meijer stop.  We also went to Kroger for a few items they had on sale and I think we were in and out in record time.

Once home, I packed up the car and cleaned my basement dwelling. H picked up his toys and helped pack his clothes. We left around lunch for the two hour drive north to the cottage.  We sang some Kidz Bop (and H can really belt out some Bieber) on the drive up.  We unloaded the car and the dog and then had a fast paced game of ping pong... Well, as fast as an almost five year old can play.  We had a lot of laughs and got a good workout chasing errant balls.  We also played Old Maid; I cannot convince H that he needs to work on his poker face when he's holding the dreaded card in his hand.  Finally before bed we watched Hotel Transylvania 2 and I'm always amazed at how many parts of that movie he already has memorized!!

It was another fun day!!

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